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Doctorial thesis co-tutelle The co-tutelle programme is a type of internationalization specifically aimed at PhD students, and leads to the issuing of a double academic degree degree which is valid in 2 different countries.
Table of contents
- Cotutelle thesis in 2021
- Cotutelle phd meaning
- Cotutelle pronunciation
- Cotutelle phd uk
- Cotutelle scholarship
- Cotutelle phd
- Cotutelle agreement
- Cotutelle definition
Cotutelle thesis in 2021

Cotutelle phd meaning

Cotutelle pronunciation

Cotutelle phd uk

Cotutelle scholarship

Cotutelle phd

Cotutelle agreement

Cotutelle definition

What does cotutelle stand for in scientific terms?
Cotutelle – often also referred to as “Joint Doctorate” or “Joint Ph.D.” – stands for doctorates which involve research undertaken at at least two universities or higher educational institutions in two different countries.
Why do you need a cotutelle for a PhD?
Designed to enhance international collaborations, Cotutelles allow the doctoral students to receive academic training and to perform research work under the joint responsibility of a Thesis Supervisor from McGill University and a Thesis Supervisor from the partner institution.
How is a co-tutelle doctoral thesis defended?
The co-tutelle programme requires an alternate and approximately equivalent research period at the University of Trento and the host university. The "cotutelle thesis", written under the supervision of two supervisors, is defended in a single disputation at the Home or Host Institution.
What do you need to know about the cotutelle program?
In a cotutelle doctoral program you will be jointly supervised by a thesis supervisor at each institution and you attend the two universities alternately. You will need to take a single comprehensive examination, and you work on a thesis to be defended only once in front of a jury chosen by the two partner universities.
Last Update: Oct 2021